Post by EvolutionPost by art-urrrrowhat ya think the discovery channel dropped into eddies wallet?
3..4..5..6.digits? thinking 2 commas...that song is worth 7
What's this?
There is a commercial for the crab fishing show, "Deadliest Catch"
which uses the song "Rise" from the Into the Wild soundtrack.
Personally I don't see what the big deal is, but i'm sure Eddie said
something 10 years ago about how it is dumb to use your music to sell
other products. Which seems to only bother people that spend a
strangly large amount of time worrying about what someone famous said
years ago.
Y aknow when I was growing up I loved the rock group Kiss. Seems
weird to me now that I ever liked them so much, but I did. However,
When I out grew them or whatever I just stopped listening to them, I
didn't follow their every move and waste my time, teasing their fans
like I was in Kindergarten.
Seriously dude, how old are you??? or what Eddie ever do to you?